Friday, November 25, 2005


Thanksgiving took on a special meaning for many of us this year as our friend, Joey Park, came home this week from a two month hospital stay that included a liver transplant and lots of ups and downs along the way. Joey, Jackie, Lauren and Elliot have inspired us in our times of fear and concern for them with their abiding faith in an ever present God through the love of Jesus Christ.

Equally heartwarming has been the response of Joey and Jackie’s Sunday school class, New Horizons. These caring persons have chosen to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus as they sought to help their friends. Today, the Parks sent the class the following message:

Can't wait to see each of you in person but wanted you to know in the meantime how grateful we are to you for your continuous support over the past 2 months. You have been with us 24-7 over 100 miles away. All that you have done has been a witness to hundreds of people-believe me, everyone that I met during this time knows all about NEW HORIZONS!! It is impossible to relay the impact each of you has had on us. We felt you living out the scripture of Jesus sharing how if you cared for the "least of these", you are caring for Christ himself....and you have done it over and over and over. We are humbled to be a part of you. How vividly the parable of the talents has been shown to us over and over-each of you has so many talents and you have used them to care for each and every thing that we have needed..... I hope that you have heard the whispers of "well done, good and faithful servant"-it should be resounding in each of your ears, just as His voice has promised to be with our family.

We love each of you so much and look forward to the day we can be back at church with you.....have a blessed Thanksgiving with your families and thanks for being our FAMILY!!!

We love you!
Jackie, Joey, Lauren and Elliot .

This is ministry as it should be known through Sunday school classes and other small groups. What a blessing we have known this Thanksgiving!

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