Friday, November 11, 2005

Board of Ministry

Thank God, it’s Friday! I do give thanks for this week and what it has been, but I am also glad that it is coming to an end. In addition to a variety of other responsibilities, I attended both District and Conference Board of Ministry meetings. At both meetings we interviewed persons who have answered the call to ministry and are at varying points of the process leading to ordination. At the District meeting we are also responsible for continued oversight for those who serve as local pastors*. I admit to my state of tiredness.

Why do I do this? I feel that it is part of my ordination. I feel that those who have been chosen are to pass the mantle to others and this is to been done prayerfully and carefully. It has long been the tradition of the church that this discernment is done through questioning. Listening for God in this process becomes the challenge as human tendancies of legalism and self-righteousness often surface in our decision making. It is joy when we encounter someone that truly seems to be truly answering a call and is able to articulate all the facets of ministry. However, there are those to whom God has placed a special call on their lives, but to be a clergy person is not part of it. Offering guidance and compassion in these situations is to fulfill our obligation as board members. After six years on this board, I believe that I have good insight into this task and am thankful to be able to serve the church in this way. May God always be my guide.

*Local Pastor - A licensed pastor, approved annually by the district committee on ordained ministry who is authorized to perform all the duties of an ordained minister, including the Sacraments, while assigned to a particular charge under the supervision of a district superintendent. A clergy mentor oversees the local pastor's work in the Course of Study for ordained ministry and advises on matters of pastoral responsibility.

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