Saturday, November 05, 2005

Charge Conference

As we prepared to gather for our annual charge conference on Tuesday evening, I once again realized that our members really don't understand the meaning of a charge conference. Briefly, this basic governing body of each United Methodist church is composed of all members of the Administrative Board or Council and must meet at least once a year. This yearly meeting reviews and evaluates the ministry of the church, sets salaries for the pastor and staff, elects lay leadership for the coming year and recommends candidates for ordained ministry. The District Superintendent usually presides. To me one of the more important aspects of this conference is that it reminds us of our Wesleyan heritage and connects us with the greater United Methodist Church as we follow certain requirements of THE DISCIPLINE. Congregations are held accountable to one another. Next year, I need to offer more explanation to the congregation about the purpose and importance of a charge conference.

Our District Superintendent, Rev. Quay Adams, presided at this year’s charge conference. He asked us two questions that should serve as an evaluative guide to our current and future ministry.

“What are you doing to make disciples of Jesus Christ?”
“What are you doing uniquely?”

These are certainly good questions to keep before us as we plan and do in the coming year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you pointed out, a key purpose of the charge conference is an act of accountability. That is achieved by the leaders, clergy and lay, reporting on the actions of the preceeding year, both for celebration and evaluation, and charting a path for the future to guide the coming year's programs and resource allocations. I was troubled this year by the lack of reporting, particularly by any of the lay leadership. I know there was no intent to trivialize the role of laity, but the lack of participation was very disappointing. The questions posed by Quay were the right ones for us to be focusing on. I truly hope that next year's charge conference will be filled with responses to those questions, both in terms of past actions and future plans, and that the whole of the leadership team will participate fully. We as laity must not abdicate our responsibility to full partnership in ministry. The charge conference provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that partnership.