Monday, November 21, 2005

Dinner guests

Recently, I was asked that if I could invite three persons to dinner who might they be? What a difficult question! Tonight, I would like to have a nice roast beef dinner and invite Abraham Lincoln, Wendell Berry, and my grandmother. Why? I could come up with all sorts of explanations, but perhaps a trinitarian response is quite appropriate. A. Lincoln was a redeemer, W. Berry's writings focus on creation, and my grandmother continues to sustain me. To listen, discuss and learn from this experience would truly prepare me for Holy Communion.

I wonder who others would like to invite to their table?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have wrestled with this and am unable to limit my response to three. The first two choices were easy--Jesus and Abraham Lincoln. After that it was a struggle, but I narrowed the list to three more: Martin Luther King, Jr., Susannah Wesley, and, if he actually existed, Job. I am afraid I do not have the kind of logic you used, but each of these hold a unique fascination for me. I would treasure the opportunity to converse, or maybe just sit at their feet and listen, though I am sure Job would insist on a conversation.