Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Call to Discipleship

In the Gospels we read about the call of the first disciples. Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and he saw Simon and Andrew fishing. And he said to them, "Follow me." Immediately they left their nets and followed him. Then, he saw James and John, and he called them. Immediately they followed him. They heard his voice; they responded; they followed.

The call doesn't always come to us so clearly. At times it is hidden, quiet, appearing only through nudges and circumstances. Either way, though, the call does come today as it did to The Twelve. Today, I talked with one who is sensing a real call, but is uncertain what this means. How exciting to know that we are calling forth disciples. However, what a responsibility to help define that call! One suggestion that I would offer is to read and meditate on a little book called Let Your Life Speak.

The old Quaker adage, "Let your life speak," is used by author Parker J. Palmer as the title of an important book about claiming one's true vocation. Palmer understands that learning to let his life speak means "living the life that wants to live in me." It involves creating the kind of quiet, trusting conditions that allow a soul to speak its truth. It reminds us that we walk a path of hope and understanding of what will be. What great words of encouragement!

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