Sunday, November 06, 2005

A New Thing

My office has been in a chaotic state for several weeks as a new space for a program assistant is being created. Finding books and resources in boxes isn't fun and everything is covered with a fine dust. The good part of all of this is that I am finding interesting things. Yesterday, I found some undocumented notes that were thought-provoking. Included was the following:

Lovett Weems* says that the task of leaders is not to resolve conflict through victory for one side or compromise for the other, but to watch for God's new creation to emerge. Often a third alternative becomes the "new thing" God is doing in our midst.

As church leaders we often strive for the former and not allow the latter to happen. However, when we patiently let the process of hearing God's Spirit speak to us exciting new life seems to follow. Give us the vision to listen as we move through what Ken identifies as transitional time in the life of this congregation.

*Dr. Lovett Weems is past president of St. Paul School of Theology and now serves as the Director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Distinquished Professor at Wesley Seminary. Both are United Methodist seminaries. I have read several of his books and been fortuate to hear him speak several times about church leadership.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect that quote was from Lovett Weems' book "Church Leadership", though I was unable to find it in a quick scan of the book this morning. I was reminded, however, of many other wonderful statements that I had highlighted in my copy. One struck me in particular. Near the end of the chapter on "Culture", Weems writes, "When we speak of the culture of the church, we are talking about the church becoming a living model of God's vision for the church as the body of Christ in the world." And in the last paragraph of the chapter, "If people wanted to see where there is perfect peace, then they could look at the church. Where there is justice, look at the church. Where categories of race and class that matter so much to the world mean nothing, look at the church. Where there is neither male nor female, but all are one in Christ Jesus, look at the church. What a great vision we have!" Amen and Amen!