Thursday, November 02, 2006

Underage Drinking

Because we are aware of the prevalence of underage drinking that exists in Myrtle Beach, the parent roundtable discussion at our Wednesday Night Fellowship focused on this serious matter. Scott Long, a judge, and Carolyn Hills, lawyer, shared legal issues that are involved when minors consume alcohol. Those in attendance soon realized that our youth (and their parents) do not fully realize the ramifications of being convicted on an alcohol or drug charge. This includes loss of Life Scholarships and educational loans, mandatory loss of driver's license and the major financial cost of fines, court and lawyer fees. Youth also do not understand that they can be charged when being in the same space as the real offender. Parents and other adults that provide alcohol and drugs may find themselves in legal difficulties, also. This is so much more than a legal matter. Ask any AA member.

Underage drinking has been the subject of a recent series of articles in THE STATE. This is good reading for all. However, if our attendance at this parent roundtable is any indicator, many adults are hiding their head in the sand about underage drinking. What can we do to help parents address this issue and to support one another as they do it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiding one's head in the sand only exposes one's hindquarters.