Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Power of Silence

Ken led the first session of our Advent study - Where Heaven Touches Earth - on Wednesday evening. Through such study we prepare to celebrate God's coming toward us in the appearance of the Christ. During this time we learn to wait as the shepherds did so long ago. In the "keeping watch" we learn to listen for God. It is in the silence that we, like the prophet Elijah (I Kings 19), finally meet God.

However, we are part of a culture that likes noise. We almost instinctively turn-on something when all is quiet. Perhaps we are trying to drown out voices of fear, darkness or hopelessness that might invade any silence. Although I believe that God speaks in and through all of our moments, our hearts can only hear the gentle whispers of divine grace when we allow quietness to surround us. Our times of silence and solitude become an essential factor in listening for the good news that God speaks to us through Christ. We then are able to discern ways we are called to respond. The study says we will be able to see with "Advent eyes".

The power of silence is awesome. Through it may each of us know where heaven touches earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Hush. Hush. Whisper who dares. Christopher Robin is saying his prayers."