Friday, November 03, 2006

Soul Food

As this daily devotional states, we need to take time each day for intentional feeding of the soul. Having the e-mail devotion from Upper Room automatically appear each day has become an important reminder of this for me. Although I use other or additional sources, this in-box message often tweaks my conscience and moves me into a time of prayer and reflection.

Since the link currently doesn't fully function, I have pasted today's Upper Room devotion into this posting. However, the web link will allow for subscribing to this free dailly e-mail devotional.

Jesus said to [the crowd], "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." -John 6:35 (NRSV)

In nutrition courses I have learned that what we put into our bodies can either help or hurt us. Many chemicals in our environment can hurt us, too, so it is important to consume nutritious foods that help our bodies withstand the effects of pollutants. Similarly, as we live each day, we come in contact with spiritual pollution. Worry, greed, violence, busyness, and even life's daily clutter can blur our vision of God's loving plan for us. One morning - overwhelmed by daily "clutter" from a family of four, phone calls to make, homework to complete, and what to make for dinner - I began making a list in hope that if I moved fast enough, it would all get done. In the middle of making this schedule, I realized how much I needed spiritual food from God, that I needed to read the Bible and pray. Tempted to just schedule it after all my other tasks, I instead wisely stopped what I was doing, read The Upper Room and my Bible, and prayed. I was humbled and grateful and was reminded that being
with God is what I need more than anything. Paula Erson (New York, U.S.A.)

Dear God, thank you for meeting our deep need for spiritual food. Help us emember to put you first every day. Amen.

God renews us so that we can live fully. "O taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps. 34:8).

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