Monday, July 11, 2005

Family Ministry

As I observe our church family this week participating in Vacation Bible School, I once again embrace the concept that families are the primary locus of faith formation for children and are an important context for continued adult spiritual growth as well. And, if the church wishes this formation to be Christian, it will need to take the role of support of the family seriously.

As a Christian educator, I understand that I need to help families know the language of faith so that the truths of Christianity will be expressed by word and deed in their daily living. Also, I have to help people discover the relationship between good parenting skills and spiritual nurture. Finally, I need to help the church to be prepared to hold families during times of crisis, loss, and confusion. By this I can take part in the transforming grace of God.

I encourage and challenge us to be part of forming a faithful future by being in ministry with today’s families.


Anonymous said...

I hope that through the ministry of vacation bible school, faith in God will swarm like locusts upon the participants. And the Hemingway of our inner being will be released in writing and in everyday activities.

Anonymous said...

too much "family"/"Children" in the same breath often leads to discomfort in those older members that no longer have their closest loved ones with them - we need to carefully nurture/utilize/welcome the presence, wisdom and devotion of these folks within our church family and intentionally work to include them in all that we do.

Anonymous said...

The Hemingway of anon #1 forces me to write a "Duh?" to anon #2. Anon #3 signing off.

Rev. Jean said...

I do not think ministry with children/family necessarily excludes older adults. Both are very important in the life of the church and it is important that we maintain a proper balance. In addition,intergenerational experiences are always needed. This is a current Council on Ministries priority at First UMC. How are we doing?