Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Terror Attacks

The clock radio at my house comes on at 5:30 am. Slowly, my consciousness becomes aware of the news as presented on NPR. The British voice that cut through my half-awake mind this morning was tense and talking about explosions in London. Soon a familiar story was beginning to unfold. Terrorists had attacked unsuspecting persons as they were beginning their day. Once again, my day was attacked. I found myself repeatedly checking the Internet for the latest news. In my mind, I kept seeing the physical pain and agony on the faces of victims. I listened attentively to world leaders. My thoughts wandered to all the analyses we have heard and read of this culture of terrorism that we have known even before 9/11. But, I still can’t get my mind around all the factors. Is military response the right answer? Both war and conventional peace efforts appear to have failed. I reflect on what seems to be tension between our proclaimed faith and sense of nationalism. Where do I find the answers? As my day ends, once again I open my heart and mind to God through prayer…

O God of all my days, I give thanks for your grace and mercy as I struggle to live a life in Jesus Christ. However, today I again ask you to speak your word. Show yourself in ways that give me courage and energy to care for your creation with wisdom and truth. Help me to love my neighbor as you love me. Remind me that there is hope that terrorists of the world will turn away from death and destruction. O Lord, may I never give up but to keep the faith, to trust the way of the cross, to continue doing what I can to make a faithful difference in this unfaithful world. Amen.

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