Thursday, July 21, 2005

An Intern In Our Midst

This summer we have a Duke Divinity School student as a part of our staff. As a student associate, Norm, is experiencing the wide range of responsibilities that clergy encounter in a local church. Although, he is the one that is in the learning mode, I have also found it to be edifying. Norm's presence reminds me to ask "WIGIAT"?

WIGIAT is not a term that one will find in a dictionary. The letters are an acronym for, "Where Is God In All This?" One of my professors at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary coined this term to constantly remind us to look for God in all see the holy in the everyday things of life. Even those who should know better, forget to look for God as we meet the challenges and experiences of our day. Thank you, Norm, for reminding me to think theologically.

So what is God doing in your life today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the gentle nudge to find "holy" in everything and to remember "WIGIAT". Our lives are sometime so busy that we forget our purpose, and sometimes even the meaning in things we do. I needed to read this!