Sunday, July 10, 2005


Pastoral Prayer
Psalm 23:4

O God, who is with us even in our darkest hour, we thank you for this day. We come to you this morning aware that lives are broken and torn. From acts of terrorism, atrocities of pedophiles to the destruction by hurricanes, a raging swirl of global insanity is all about us. It is within us. May we know your grace and mercy in these most difficult days.

As we seek the relevance of your word, it is not alone for ourselves that we pray. We pray also for this strife-torn world. Hatred and vengeance stalk the earth. From London and Baghdad to the streets and homes of Myrtle Beach, the folly of returning evil for evil is known. Help us from perpetuating this violence; grant us the wisdom to become part of the solution. Let us not fail to take you seriously. Show us the way, Good Shepherd.

Be with those who face the ravages of storms with a sense of helplessness, despair and anger. Dry their tears and comfort their hearts. Give us the strength to offer them hope and to help them rebuild their lives.

When disease or death take us through dark valleys shadowed with doubt and fear, walk with us, Lord. Lift us when we fall. Carry us when our faith is no more.

With your abounding grace, unlimited love, and infinite mercy sustain us through all our days. In the name of the one who taught us to pray……(Lord's Prayer)

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