Monday, December 18, 2006

Nothing But Nets

On Nov. 20 I blogged about Nothing But Nets. Today I read this United Methodist News Brief that might be of interest to others.

"United Methodists can help slam dunk malaria by supporting the global Nothing But Nets campaign through the denomination's second-mile giving program, the Advance for Christ and His Church. An Advance number - #982015 - has been added for Nothing But Nets. One hundred percent of each gift will go to the purchase and distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets to protect families against disease-carrying mosquitoes. Partners in Nothing But Nets include the people of The United Methodist Church, the United Nations Foundation, Sports Illustrated, the National Basketball Association's NBA Cares foundation, Millennium Promise and the Measles Initiative. Gifts can be sent to Advance GCFA P.O. Box 9068, GPO New York, NY 10087-9068 or made online at"

Gifts may also be made through our church by contacting the finance office.


Anonymous said...

Why there are not dozens of responses to your blogs is beyond me. Your contributions continue to be timely, prevocative, and evocative. I can only pray that more members of the FUMC family will "tune in" to your wonderful column. Do not be discouraged; keep challenging us. Have a Blessed Christmas!

Rev. Jean said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I think some folks don't realize that it is so easy to reply. One may choose anonymous, make comments and then publish. No other login is required.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not pointing out my inability to spell. Your blog entries are still provocative!