Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Consumerism

About this time each year much conversation focuses on consumerism and Christmas. We try to overcome our habits of overspending and buying of the ridiculous. Yet, we fail and know frustration as Christmas approaches. In an effort to help us make responsible decisions as we prepare for Christmas, our Environmental Stewardship Committee offered some guidelines. I am curious to know if anyone has seriously considered them. When I read this article about how one church addresses this issue, I couldn’t help but wonder if we could do something like this another year. May the conversation about Christmas consumerism continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was grateful to receive the guidelines for environmentally friendly gifts. While Gail and I had moved to gifts to charities (Habitat to Humanity being at the top of the list) to honor many of our friends and family, this list gives many creative suggestions which we will use next year.