Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Cactus

Thirty one years ago Ray Lloyd, a friend in Delaware, gave me a beautiful Christmas cactus. This plant has moved with us and has been used to propagate many new plants over the years. About this time each year, I start watching for blooms. Sometimes I have been careful to put the plants in darkness and limit water in the early fall. This usually results in prolific blooming about Christmas time. Then there are years like this one that I have done nothing special with them. So, I am most pleased to see a few blooms appear on one of the plants. Although the others appear to be healthy, there are no signs of blooming. Perhaps this is like the Advent experience. When we use this time to prepare, we blossom as Christmas approaches. However, if we are like my neglected plants this year, the good news is that through the grace of God we will bloom, but only in God’s time. I know that I will be seeing Christmas cactus blooms from now to Easter. So be it for my spiritual life.

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