Thursday, September 01, 2005

Worst of Times, Best of Times

One cannot help but think of Mr. Dickens' words during these days. As I see the damage caused by Katrina and the human response to it, I am well aware of the worst of times. However, stories of those who are reaching out to save lives in a variety of ways, renew my spirit and give hope for the days ahead. But, I slowly realize it is up to me to make this the best of times. From prayer and financial aid to support of mission teams, I will help rebuild lives and communities. However,there is a complexity to this tragedy that also demands my response. That is, I am part of a culture whose people live poles apart. There is abject poverty and there is ridiculous opulence. Impatience and greed abound on all sides. Racist remarks are too frequent. Morals and values are twisted. And, faith seems only to be evident in a set apart life.

It is time for me to become a better student of the world around me. I need to read and listen to the voices that can help me more fully understand our culture. Perhaps it is time that I claimed my faith in a new and different way? Perhaps, I need to challenge others to journey with me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe A Tale Of Two Cities would have a contemporary connotatiom of a tale of two credit lines.