Saturday, September 24, 2005


As I prepare to meet with the confirmation class mentors, I remember those persons who have walked with me on my spiritual journey and helped me discern my relationship to God. As I began to know a call to ministry, it was wonderful to have someone hear me, to hear my heart, to hear my deepest longings…even those I dared not speak. This kind of faith mentoring occurred through interpersonal relationships that were guided by respect for and listening to one another. Each time I put on my robe I think of Fred and Dianna.

The role of mentor can be a challenging one. Mentors are called both to ask and answer the tough questions. Doubt and struggle are part of this journey. Recognition of the Holy Spirit as the true guide that leads us to understand our place in God’s world must be the foundation of the relationship. May each of those called to mentor our confirmands offer support and guidance that fuels faithful living.

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