Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Helping Children with Disaster and Grief

How can one explain the devastation of Katrina or the loss of a pet or loved one to a child? This is always a difficult situation for parent, teacher, pastor or anyone who loves the child. Mary Alice Gran, Director of Children's Ministries, has given us some good insights and resources on the General Board of Discipleship website.

I think that the most important advice found here and in other resources is to listen and to listen with the heart. It is also important not to use trite phrases that perpetuate a limited understanding of God. It's okay to say we don't understand, but we do know that God is with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so afraid this week as "Ophelia" loomed offshore, that those who have relocated to Myrtle Beach - especially the children, would think that no place was safe. The media gets so excited during the hurricane season, they convey a sense of hysteria as the storms ebb and flow.