Monday, September 19, 2005

Where Are We Going?

A reoccurring topic at First UMC is long range planning. Although there are several schools of thought about when this should be done, I think of that moment in Alice in Wonderland when Alice comes to a fork in the road and doesn’t know which way to turn. She asks the Cheshire Cat which road to take. He asks where she wants to go. She says she has no idea. He says that if you don’t know where you are going, it really doesn’t matter which road you take. The biblical version of that principle comes from Proverbs, which declares that “where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18


Anonymous said...

I know a number of people have rad this and thought about it. With the changing demographics of the area, a long range plan for evangelism, education, and missions would be very useful. Sometimes it seems each work area is trying to formulate its own long range plan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A clear vision, articulated and shared by the leadership, both lay and ordained, and inculcated by the people, is the energy source that pulls the church into the future to which God calls us. It clarifies the priorities for resource commitment - time, talent, money, physical plant, etc. I don't know if a lack of vision will cause us to perish anytime soon, but it assuredly will lead to a church that is much less effective at fulfulling the mission from God--to make disciples of Jesus Christ. I strongly believe the time is now for prayerful discernment and bold leadership.