Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Try to Remember

Ken asks me to preach two Sundays a year...two Sundays when I can't do too much damage. This year I asked if one of those could be Christian Education Sunday and he granted this wish. I look forward to sharing some of my passion for educational ministry through exploration of the Word in the sermon on this coming Sunday. The preacher of the day writes the cover for the weekly newsletter. Here is a sneak preview of what will be on the cover of THE STEEPLE.

As we celebrate Christian Education this Sunday, we remember people, places, and events of the past that have shaped our understanding of our faith in God through Jesus Christ. But, just as importantly, we examine our personal and congregational commitment to a lifelong process of teaching and learning.Christian faith becomes a reality when the stories of the Bible and our personal experiences of God’s love and grace empower us to trust God’s guidance as we make decisions in our daily lives. But, do we know these sacred stories? Test your Biblical knowledge.
1. Name the five books of the Torah/Pentateuch
2. Name the Ten Commandments.
3. Name 3 Old Testament prophets.
4. Why are the Exodus and Exile events significant?
5. What is the last book in the Old Testament?
6. In what book is the Sermon on the Mount and what is its main teaching?
7. Name two parables?
8. In what book are the “I am” sayings?
9. Who was present at the Transfiguration?
10.Who said, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose”?

Also, do you recognize God’s presence in your life through these stories? Do you share with others what God has done for you yesterday and today? Do you understand how this shapes your future? These, too, are the lessons of Christianity that are to be taught and learned if we are to grow in a faith that equips us to go forth into the world sharing God’s grace and love. What is your commitment to Christian education?


Anonymous said...

Test Biblical knowledge -
1. Genesis,Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy.
2.Thou shall have no other gods before me
Thou shall not make for thyself
an idol
Thou shall not use the Lord's
name in vain
Remember the Sabbath and keep it
Honor thy Father and Mother
Thou shall not murder
Thou shall not steal
Thou shall not commit adultery
Thou shall not bear false witness
Thou shall not covet thy
neighbor's house..
3. Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah
4. They show God's power, grace and judgement.
5. Malachi
6. Matthew
7. "The Good Samaritan", "The Sheep and The Goats"
8. John
9. Peter,James & John
10. Apostle Paul

How did I measure up?

Rev. Jean said...

You did a great job. However,I wrote some poor questions.#4 I was thinking that these were the events that defined the Israelites understanding of God much as Easter defines Christianity. #6 The Beatitudes are the significant teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. #9 These disciples were witnesses to seeing Elijah, Moses and Jesus.

Thanks for taking the test.

Anonymous said...

Your questions were fine. I have just been out of school too long and did not read the questions carefully enough. Also, in one instance it certainly made me aware that I need a deeper understanding of scripture.