Saturday, September 15, 2007

Knitting as Meditation

“The act of knitting is a meditation, for the work of the hands compels the mind to rest, and gives free rein to movements of the soul.” (Author unknown)

So it is with me today as my needles click in their knit three, purl three rhythm as I make another prayer shawl. My thoughts land on family and friends who are struggling with all the issues that the diagnosis of cancer brings. My neighbor who moved to Myrtle Beach to enjoy our pleasures and not to meet our medical community is coping with treatments and the prospect of major surgery. My brother-in-law who has hit a bump in the road with his on-going chemo treatments and the reality of his cancer has hit them in the face again. My friend from Columbia who has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the colon and pancreas has had to tell his two sons at Clemson that he has 12-24 months to live. His on-line journal is a gift to all who want to be present to him at this time. And the list goes on…. Why are there so many cancer patients? What can we do to stop the invasion of this disease into our lives? The turbulent waters of life are wearing us out. We are handicapped by our fear.

Help us, O God, from drowning in our despair. Give us your hand and we will walk with you and live in hope. Amen.


Anonymous said...

We might campaign for uncontaminated food and water, outlaw renegade pesticides and herbicides, eat less meat and more fiber, walk more and drive less, limit pig farms and golf courses and pray for a proper solution to overpopulation that causes stress from overcrowding.If we lived strenuously demanding physical lives like most ancient societies needed to, the general population would have a life span too short to allow most cancers to develop. Unfortunately, technology, our leisure savior, is a double edged sword.

Anonymous said...

Knitting is a good cancer preventative. It relieves stress and it keeps you out of the sun. Since we have seen fit to erode our ozone layer through pollution, we have less protection from deadly cosmic radiation. We all risk skin cancer and melanoma every time we go outside for "healthy" recreation.