Saturday, September 29, 2007
New Banner, etc.
I continue to be quite interested in the Nothing But Nets campaign and was interested to read this week that United Methodists have raised more than $1.75 million worldwide for this campaign in less than a year. So far, the campaign has distributed approximately 196,000 nets in Zimbabwe, Congo, Nigeria and Chad and positive results are already being noted.
Two favorite blog posts this week were “Creation, Community and Healing” by Larry Hollen and “Just Imagine” by Kathy James. Both gave me something to ponder on my daily walk.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Live the Questions Now
As I continue to try to live fully in the moment, I have found my blogging to be helpful. It calls me to think about what is happening in God’s world and my life and where the two meet or don’t meet. Yet, such reflection is a challenge that I fail to accept on too many days. However, I know that even when my soul seems barren God is not through with me and that I will be able to fully live the questions and maybe even know a few of the answers in the todays of my future.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Capital Letters
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
It's Free!
"Since we launched TimesSelect, the Web has evolved into an increasingly open nvironment. Readers find more news in a greater number of places and interact with it in more meaningful ways. This decision enhances the free flow of New York Times reporting and analysis around the world. It will enable everyone, everywhere to read our news and opinion - as well as to share it, link to it and comment on it."
Although when Thomas Jefferson said, "Liberty depends upon a free press," he was speaking about the freedom to write of political issues. I believe that general access to this writing is part of this equation. Today, that means being able to read it on-line.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A Different World
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thought for the Day
A society grows great when old men plant trees
whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
Greek Proverb
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Knitting as Meditation
So it is with me today as my needles click in their knit three, purl three rhythm as I make another prayer shawl. My thoughts land on family and friends who are struggling with all the issues that the diagnosis of cancer brings. My neighbor who moved to Myrtle Beach to enjoy our pleasures and not to meet our medical community is coping with treatments and the prospect of major surgery. My brother-in-law who has hit a bump in the road with his on-going chemo treatments and the reality of his cancer has hit them in the face again. My friend from Columbia who has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the colon and pancreas has had to tell his two sons at Clemson that he has 12-24 months to live. His on-line journal is a gift to all who want to be present to him at this time. And the list goes on…. Why are there so many cancer patients? What can we do to stop the invasion of this disease into our lives? The turbulent waters of life are wearing us out. We are handicapped by our fear.
Help us, O God, from drowning in our despair. Give us your hand and we will walk with you and live in hope. Amen.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Bishop's School of Ministry
Other items of interest this week have included learning that child mortality is at record low according to a recent article in the New York Times, reading a new blog by my clergy friend, Stephen Taylor and thinking about one of Will Willimon's latest posts about church growth.
It has been a good week. Now I have got to make sure we are ready for Sunday morning happenings.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Why Church?
Anne Lamott has a chapter in her book Traveling Mercies title, “Why I Make Sam Go to Church.” Sam is Lamott’s son, and he is less than enthusiastic about church going. But, Lamott writes that she still requires him to go and says:
"I want to give him what I found in the world, which to say, a path and a little
light to see by. Most of the people I know who have what I want…which is to say,
purpose, heart, balance, gratitude, joy – are people with a deep sense of
spirituality. They are people in community, who pray, or practice their faith;
they are Buddhists, Jews, Christians – people banding together to work on
themselves and for human rights. They follow a brighter light than the
glimmer of their own candle; they are part of something beautiful."
Friday, September 07, 2007
Clemson Tailgating
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Try to Remember
Ken asks me to preach two Sundays a year...two Sundays when I can't do too much damage. This year I asked if one of those could be Christian Education Sunday and he granted this wish. I look forward to sharing some of my passion for educational ministry through exploration of the Word in the sermon on this coming Sunday. The preacher of the day writes the cover for the weekly newsletter. Here is a sneak preview of what will be on the cover of THE STEEPLE.
As we celebrate Christian Education this Sunday, we remember people, places, and events of the past that have shaped our understanding of our faith in God through Jesus Christ. But, just as importantly, we examine our personal and congregational commitment to a lifelong process of teaching and learning.Christian faith becomes a reality when the stories of the Bible and our personal experiences of God’s love and grace empower us to trust God’s guidance as we make decisions in our daily lives. But, do we know these sacred stories? Test your Biblical knowledge.
1. Name the five books of the Torah/Pentateuch
2. Name the Ten Commandments.
3. Name 3 Old Testament prophets.
4. Why are the Exodus and Exile events significant?
5. What is the last book in the Old Testament?
6. In what book is the Sermon on the Mount and what is its main teaching?
7. Name two parables?
8. In what book are the “I am” sayings?
9. Who was present at the Transfiguration?
10.Who said, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose”?
Also, do you recognize God’s presence in your life through these stories? Do you share with others what God has done for you yesterday and today? Do you understand how this shapes your future? These, too, are the lessons of Christianity that are to be taught and learned if we are to grow in a faith that equips us to go forth into the world sharing God’s grace and love. What is your commitment to Christian education?