Friday, January 19, 2007

A Nice Surprise

I discovered a nice surprise when I opened tonight. Tim Koch, First UMC and Andy Fowler are all mentioned in an article about the upcoming Wesley Choral Festival at Lincoln Center. I was also impressed that proceeds will go to UMCOR’s landmine removal project in Angola. Wish that I were going to be in the audience on February 18. Andy Fowler's compositions are always insightful and inspiring. I am sure the choral presentation will be first rate as that is what one can always expect from Tim Koch. It truly is a blessing to be in ministry with such a gifted musician as Tim.


Anonymous said...

Jean, Please ask Tim if there is any way we might be able to obtain copies - audio or video - if we make a contribution to UMCOR? I would really love to hear the concert, and I would be happy to support the landmine removal project.

Rev. Jean said...

Tim says that they probably will not be able to record, but that we can experience this concert locally on March 17 at Coastal Carolina University. Watch for details.