Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Another Ariail Gem

Once again Robert Ariail of THE STATE has peaked my interest with his compelling drawing. I want to know why our cigarette tax has not been increased for this is a proven way to reduce smoking among kids. It is interesting to note that the overall states' average is $1.00 per pack. South Carolina is 7 cents. Certainly our state coffers could benefit from increased tax revenue. We might even spend it on our children.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the mindset and worldview that allowed South Carolina to become the first state to secede from a seemingly fairly decent Union, and that created the Independent Republic of Horry have something to do with it. Forgive the cliche', but history repeats itself. I am not South bashing since I am from Deeper South Georgia. I am simply recognizing what might be a vestigal tendency to support state's rights and personal freedom.
As the posted cartoon clearly indicates, perhaps the underlying problem is not the cost of the product but the manner in which it is allowed to be distributed. If South Carolina, in the spirit of her heritage, would become the first state to place a penalty on excess packaging for all consumer products, the coffers would overflow, the landfills would decrease, less industrial energy would be wasted, more resources saved, less pollution, less lies, etc.,etc., etc.... Responsible marketing of all products might even reverse Global Warming.
Cigarettes in vending machines might make them more accessible to teens who have too much discretionary allowance since the machines are already designed to charge $2 more per pack than over the counter sales which require ID. If children can spend $5 for a pack of cigaretes, then $1 more will do nothing to deter them. So, yes, I agree with Ari's cartoon. All cigarette vending machines are ploys.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a tax on excess packaging. Let's see, a pck of cigarettes is wrapped in (I think) foil lined paper and then sealed in celophane. All to keep cigarettes fresh... I don't get it, they stink. And yes, I too am from the deep South, and have tobacco farm roots. Grocery shopping is a pckkaging nightmare.

Rev. Jean said...

Isn't it interesting how one subject leads to another? I just watched my four year old granddaughter try to open her birthday presents. What a frustrating experience for her! There definitely needs to be a tax on such packaging as it has got to be an environmental hazard, also.

Anonymous said...

I, too, am from the South (Virginia), and I am a former smoker. I concur with Tom's thesis. I believe there are deep cultural influences that drive the current mentality that argues against taking steps like raising the tax on cigarettes here in South Carolina. Also, as Tom suggests, the increase in the price may not deter as many teen smokers as we would hope. Nonetheless, it would at least contribute funds to offset some of the costs for Medicaid to treat the smoking related health effects.
More importantly, I believe anything we can do to positively influence potential smokers, teen and adult, to walk away from the temptation is worth the price of derision for trampling on our individual rights.

As to packaging, it's excesses and it's cost, "right on" to Tom's litany of benefits from a tax/penalty. Or maybe there needs to be an uprising of Christian consumers saying to the manufacturers and marketers, "No more!" Reduce the "sizzle" and focus on the "steak" or we won't buy your product!

Anonymous said...

Amen to George! Absolutely the tax could contribute to defray the medical costs. When issues arise, I will try to put my head together with others in a softer manner so it doesn't start off so much like head butting. Sorry folks! Thank you, George.