Monday, January 08, 2007

e-Christian Ed

I have been happy to hear that my blog has been missed these past few days. My thoughts have been muddled by puny health. I am not usually sick, so this has made me ill-tempered and not in the mood for reflective writing. But life does go on while the body recovers.

Once again, I am serving as a teaching assistant for an on-line course that is part of a Christian education certification program offered through Columbia College. While driving to Columbia for our face to face class this past Saturday, I found myself wondering about the kind of experience the class and I would have this semester. Feeling lousy, I will admit that I was not overly optimistic. However, after being with the students and doing the introductory session together, I know why I do this. God has called some very special people to do educational ministry in our churches, but they want and need to be better equipped for this. This program allows these persons to do most of their work on-line on their own schedule. When congregations seriously consider how it is that they are to pass on the faith to all who seek God, called and trained Christian educators can provide important leadership. Therefore, it is crucial that those of us that have an opportunity to fulfill our call to educational ministry provide guidance and direction to those who are to follow us. It is obvious that these students will each offer unique gifts to our common experience. Let the class begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am saddened that you have been sickly, but I am appently sharing your germs. Yes, or no, it is not fun!

Oh, that you were available in my church to share your wonderful giftedness for Christian education. If we are ever to fulfill Christ's charge to make disciples, both of those in the church and those seeking to find it, it will only happen when we learn what the Good News really means. That will only happen when we, yes, even us "old folks", commit ourselves to learn what Christ has commanded of us.

I received a call tonight from my younger daughter telling me she had gone to church yesterday at a "community" church. She had really enjoyed it, but she was embarassed that she had found the sermon more meaningful than the one she heard when she attended my first Sunday as a pastor. She was really calling because she was afraid that I would be upset that she was going to a chuch that was not United Methodist.

Well, let me tell you how excited I was and am. When anyone comes to Christ, by what ever means, can we be anything but overjoyed? As a denomination, we may not be around for another three hundred years, or even three years. Is that important? I am simply thrilled that she is connecting with a faith community that works for her and her family.

Please pray that my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson will find a church home that works.