As usual, the lights of Christmas give me joy and peace. I love the light displays, even the tacky ones, which are everywhere. Our Christmas tree especially delights my soul. Its twinkling lights begin my day and provide a calming presence before going to bed. I seem to focus on the rituals of the watch here. The delicious suspense of the waiting and watching for the promise of Christmas to unfold becomes real to me in the reflection of the light. It allows me to believe that the Light will indeed shine in the darkness and that the darkness will never overcome it.
Music, too, is so important to my preparation for Christmas. It allows my imagination to tell the story. I know the familiar words, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” The offerings of our children’s, chancel and handbell choirs have allowed the sacredness of these days to touch my heart. As part of our Advent journey, we also attended the Love Feast at Shandon UMC in Columbia and the Master Chorale concert in Myrtle Beach this past weekend. Both events were wonderful. For me, such music is part of the spiritual pilgrimage we make to Bethlehem. I am convinced that when we let the sights and sounds of Christmas make room for the one who comes to bring the justice, peace, hope and love for which we wait, God is revealed among us.