Friday, September 01, 2006

An Ohio Trip

As summer wanes, we have traveled to Ohio for a few days of family and fun. Along the way I saw a framed sampler in a gift shop that said, "Family is where your story begins". How true! Each twist and turn of our travel has recalled memories of people, events, and me in days past. I long ago discovered that this kind of trip is an important one to take. Putting myself into the family story in this very real way gives valuable insight into how I think, react, and relate. It also reminds me of how God's love and grace have been shared with me in very significant ways.

With one ear to weather in Myrtle Beach, we began our journey home yesterday afternoon. We are glad to hear that there are few lingering effects of Ernesto in MB. However, it would appear that we will get to experience some of the rain as we attempt to do some sightseeing on the way home. One thing I also learned in my Ohio days was the importance of being flexible when it comes to planning.

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