Sunday, September 10, 2006

Christian Education Sunday

As we celebrate Christian Education Sunday, we remember people, places, and events of the past that have shaped our understanding of our faith in God through Jesus Christ. But, just as importantly, we examine our personal and congregational commitment to a lifelong process of teaching and learning.

Christian faith becomes a reality when the stories of the Bible and our personal experiences of God’s love and grace empower us to trust God’s guidance as we make decisions in our daily lives. As Christians we want to grow in our understanding of God’s purposes and recognize that it is in community that the revelation of God’s presence in our lives becomes known.

Sunday school is an important setting for teaching and learning, but not the only setting. Worship, small groups, and one-on-one relationships are places where teaching and learning also occur. I believe that as Christians, we are all called to teach and that our teaching depends on continued learning. Not all of us are meant to be Sunday school teachers, but we are all called to help one another grow in faith.

Together, we share a sacred responsibility to make sure that the lessons of Christianity are taught and explored so that we may be better equipped to go forth into the world sharing God’s grace and love. We must continually renew our commitment to the ministry of Christian education.

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