Thursday, July 06, 2006

VBS 2006

Vacation Bible School as we know it today got its start in the late 1800’s when Mrs. Walker Aylette Hawes rented a saloon to run a Bible School on New York City’s East Side. She provided a structured program for immigrant children in the slums that focused on Bible stories, games, crafts, drawing, etc. When Mrs. Hawes retired several years later she was presiding over seven separate schools. This idea quickly spread throughout communities across the country and a summer tradition was soon established.

Shelly, Alex and many others are busy preparing for next week’s VBS at First UMC. Adventure of the Treasure Seekers will be the theme. Children, youth and adults will be exploring God’s promises through a variety of activities all centered in Scripture. Fellowship and fun will be important ingredients as church members and visitors gather each evening. The meals are planned, the eye-catching decorations are nearly finished, crafts planned, Bible stories studied and music practiced. It is exciting to present the Word in this way and to know that we have a great opportunity to provide an important experience for those participating makes it even more significant. What a joy to be in ministry with those who share their time and talents so willingly so that VBS can happen in a special way.

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