Saturday, July 15, 2006

Environmental Matters

Environmental matters are once again in the forefront of our thinking. Our dependence on foreign oil and the resulting higher prices at the gas pump have been a wake up call to the mulititude of issues that are moving us toward ecological disaster. It has been interesting to read the current issue of NEWSWEEK and to learn that a number of Americans are taking conservation seriously. I also hope to see the Tom Brokaw report about global warming Sunday evening. Friends tell me that Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth" is a must see, also. Remembering that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness therein", the UMW Action Alert in May, 2006 is a good overview of this climate change issue and what we can do. As enviromentalists tell us, it is the time to reduce, reuse, recycle.

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