Saturday, July 29, 2006
Middle East War
Friday, July 28, 2006
A Busy Week
Church camp is more than canoeing, creek hiking and vespers. It means lots of forms to be completed and getting all of this in order for our campers seems always to mean a flurry of activity at the last moment. This week has been no exception. Thank heavens for e-mail and FAX machines. I am so glad that we have a busload of children going to Asbury Hills. The generosity of others has made this possible.
This is the season of planning and reorganization. Making sure that teachers and curriculum are in place for Sunday school, organizing small groups studies, and scheduling Wednesday Night Fellowship and other programs fills my days. Participation in this part of church life continues to grow. However, we need to encourage other persons to experience structured study as we seek to strengthen this part of the Body of Christ.
I seem to enjoy good health. However, periodically I do have to check on how this 6o year old body is doing. So, this week I visited Dr. Butler and Dr. Smith. My teeth and eyes got at good report and once again I give thanks for good health.
Today I am going to retreat to finish a sermon for Monday night. May God's Word inspire me.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wesley's Wisdom
"Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as every you can."
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
O Great Spirit,
whose breath gives life to the world,
and whose voice is heard in the soft breeze:
We need your strength and wisdom.
Cause us to walk in beauty. Give us eyes
ever to behold the red and purple sunset.
Make us wise so that we may understand
what you have taught us.
Help us learn the lessons you have hidden
in every leaf and rock.
Make us always ready to come to you
with clean hands and steady eyes,
so when life fades, like the fading sunset,
our spirits may come to you without shame. Amen.
The CNN Earth Day quiz reminded the class of some of the issues that we are facing as we deplete our natural resources by conspicious consumption. Ex: Oil production has peaked in 15 of the 23 top oil producing countries.
Ron also said that we have lost a sense of awe in God's creation and that we have forgotten how to listen to nature. For instance, butterflies with their acute sensitivity to pesticides and toxins, their presence, diversity and relative abundance indicate the overall well-being of our ecosystems. His personal conviction of this has been strengthened by exploring our backyard through the lens of a camera. He has created a photo blog of his findings.
"The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it." Psalm 24:1
Saturday, July 22, 2006
10 Commandments of Parenting
1. Teach them, using God’s Word (Deut. 6:6-9)
2. Tell them what’s right and wrong (Prov. 22:6)
3. See them as gifts from God. (Ps. 127:3-5)
4. Guide them in godly ways. (Prov. 4:1-2)
5. Discipline them. (Deut 21:18-19)
6. Love them unconditionally. (1 Cor. 13:4-7)
7. Do not provoke them to wrath. ( Eph. 6:4)
8. Earn their respect by example. (Titus 2:7)
9. Provide for their physical needs (Tim. 5:8)
10. Pass your faith along to them (2 Tim. 1:13)
Friday, July 21, 2006
WMC News
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Rebecca Preaches
On Monday evening during our contemporary worship service, our Duke Seminary intern preached her first sermon. Rebecca blessed us with her message and we left feeling that we had been part of a special experience. Her presence among us has helped us remember that God uses us to call forth our ministers. In addition, we have a responsibility to nurture and love them into their ministry. Our congregational support of Rebecca has been exemplary. We will miss her when she returns to Duke, but we know that she has become a part of who we are and for this we give thanks.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
World Methodist Conference
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Environmental Matters
Friday, July 14, 2006
VBS Postscript
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Great Week!
We are having a great time discovering God's promises this week in our VBS experience. It is wonderful to have children, parents, grandparents and others gather to explore God's Word. I do so enjoy this "family" style VBS, especially having the fathers and grandfathers being such a visible part of it. What an important message they are sending to all the children about their role in nurturing faith.
A New U.S.Citizen
Yesterday, Scarlett and I celebrated with Mira, one of our nursery workers, and her co-workers at CDM. Seven years ago she came to America from Albania. Monday, Mira, her husband and adult son became US citizens. Words of congratulations brought tears of happiness (hers and ours) as she shared what it means to be a citizen. After years of living under communism, she truly appreciates the freedoms she knows here and wants each of us to remember this blessing that we have. Another son will soon come from Albania to join them. What a humbling and important few minutes we spent with her.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
A Living Church
"The superficial church ignores its members gifts. The cannibal church devours its members to keep itself going. But the living church multiples the gifts it is given and blesses the lives that are offered."
This week we are truly being a living church. Last night we had 180 children, 13 youth and 86 adults in VBS classes. There were probably 60-80 other adults who assisted with meals, security, teaching, recreation, crafts, childcare, story time, music etc. The smiles and chatter witnessed to blessings being received.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Methodists Blogging
Thursday, July 06, 2006
VBS 2006
Shelly, Alex and many others are busy preparing for next week’s VBS at First UMC. Adventure of the Treasure Seekers will be the theme. Children, youth and adults will be exploring God’s promises through a variety of activities all centered in Scripture. Fellowship and fun will be important ingredients as church members and visitors gather each evening. The meals are planned, the eye-catching decorations are nearly finished, crafts planned, Bible stories studied and music practiced. It is exciting to present the Word in this way and to know that we have a great opportunity to provide an important experience for those participating makes it even more significant. What a joy to be in ministry with those who share their time and talents so willingly so that VBS can happen in a special way.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Pantomine Lifes
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Fourth of July
"....long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light; protect us by thy might, great God, our King." (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Both of these stories remind me of the importance of the altruistic spirit that has been so important to this country and how I have been benefited from this. The Carnegie Public Library in my hometown helped open my mind to a world beyond Dick and Jane readers. I remember a dedicated group of persons that fought a fierce political battle to better our local schools. One of those persons was my father. My grandfather was instrumental in establishing 4-H clubs in my community. At one time I directed the Retired Senior Volunteer Program in the Richland/Lexington County area. I meet many persons from 65-90+ years of age who gave hundreds of hours each year to schools and other non-profit organizations. Their efforts
improved the quality of life in their hometowns. They taught me a lot about selfless giving. The list is long when I stop to think about those who I know who could be nominated for "giving back" awards. It is a call to think about my own servanthood.