Friday, July 11, 2008

What You Doing?

When we talk with our grandchildren via Skype, Annaka usually asks “what you doin’? Sometimes the answer isn’t easy to give in the vocabulary of a five year old. When my sister asked me that same question last night I also found myself unable to articulate exactly what I have been doing. Perhaps I have the misconception that the answers should be exciting and enviable words. Anyway, during these lazy, hazy days of summer this is what I am doing:

- finally have started reading Suite Francaise,
- still finding peace in knitting prayer shawls,
- planning congregational learning opportunities beginning in September,
- putting the finishing touches on Dancing with God,
- enjoying my responsibilities with our Duke intern,
- attending to some Board of Ministry matters,
- enjoying some time with grandchildren and
- having a little renewing time at the beach.

Thank God for July.

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