Friday, July 18, 2008

A Bucket List

I recently saw the movie, The Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman and have been thinking about it ever since. Truly, I have been reflecting more on the idea of a bucket list than this enjoyable movie. The lead characters, each terminally ill, purposely set out to live their bucket list, a wish list of things to do before dying. Of course, I have had to ask myself about what my bucket list might include. To date, I have not been too creative, but have started this list:

  • see the Grand Canyon,
  • be a co-creator of a well-loved yard,
  • observe Sabbath faithfully,
  • have a loving, caring relationship with my grandchildren.

What might you include on your bucket list?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See the Grand Canyon from a hang glider
Stop seeing displaced life

Feel weightlessness
Stop feeling the tug of extinction

Taste with all new taste buds
Stop tasting bitterness

Smell the inside of J&J Baby Powder packaging plant
Stop smelling the outside of industry

Hear a complete translation of the songs of the Humpback whale played simultaneouly with the actual song in underwater surround sound
Stop hearing that sound ecological practices can not be achieved in our lifetime

Sense the acceptance of human precognition as a normal state and not paranormal to a degree that allows pre-existence to be a reality and a precursor for a state of post-existence
Stop sensing the fatalism of contemporary youth

Disspell the idea that change is the only constant
Prove that the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line.

Publish a well received work of non-ficton and a contoversial work of fiction
Erase my vanity

Eat a super premium quality of double chocolate fudge brownie ice cream until I either pass out or beg to be hospitalized
