Friday, July 25, 2008

Farewell, Laura

This week our congregation has been saying good-bye to Laura, our Duke Divinity School intern. It is amazing how she has become such a part of us in just ten short weeks and how saddened we are for her to leave. She has been an extraordinary extra set of eyes, ears and hands as we have been in ministry together. We are in awe of her abilities and have learned from her insightful and caring observations of people and situations. Blessings, Laura, as you pursue what God has called you to do.

Of course, Laura’s call to ordination as a deacon has been a joy to me. She is not only pursuing a Master of Divinity degree, but also a doctorate in psychology and plans to counsel clergy and congregations as they face challenging situations. She has a clear understanding of the role of a deacon and has been able to assist our congregation grasp what this means in the life of the church. Participating in the field education experience of a seminary student has once again proved to be a valuable experience for all involved. We look forward to our intern next summer and all the gifts that he or she will bring as it gives us an opportunity not only to be a teacher, but also a learner of what effective ministry might look like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered if other churches get the quality of intern that First has been blessed with for several years. They are like old spirits without wrinkles. Maybe RevJean ironed them out. Tom