Saturday, July 26, 2008
Rituals are times of focus. For me, as I iron a garment, I try to achieve perfection by making sure there is not a wrinkle to be seen. Realizing that this won’t happen without careful preparation, I give intentional thought to this process. I remember days gone by when I practiced this skill as a young girl by ironing dishtowels and pillowcases. It becomes apparent that when we include rituals in our lives we enjoy a sense of comfort and security. We celebrate who we are and understand how important rituals are to our identity. So it is as we claim our Christian faith. What rituals do we need to include in our lives as we seek greater understanding of our discipleship?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Farewell, Laura
Of course, Laura’s call to ordination as a deacon has been a joy to me. She is not only pursuing a Master of Divinity degree, but also a doctorate in psychology and plans to counsel clergy and congregations as they face challenging situations. She has a clear understanding of the role of a deacon and has been able to assist our congregation grasp what this means in the life of the church. Participating in the field education experience of a seminary student has once again proved to be a valuable experience for all involved. We look forward to our intern next summer and all the gifts that he or she will bring as it gives us an opportunity not only to be a teacher, but also a learner of what effective ministry might look like.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A New Computer
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Bucket List
- see the Grand Canyon,
- be a co-creator of a well-loved yard,
- observe Sabbath faithfully,
- have a loving, caring relationship with my grandchildren.
What might you include on your bucket list?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another TED Talk
Friday, July 11, 2008
What You Doing?
When we talk with our grandchildren via Skype, Annaka usually asks “what you doin’? Sometimes the answer isn’t easy to give in the vocabulary of a five year old. When my sister asked me that same question last night I also found myself unable to articulate exactly what I have been doing. Perhaps I have the misconception that the answers should be exciting and enviable words. Anyway, during these lazy, hazy days of summer this is what I am doing:
- finally have started reading Suite Francaise,
- still finding peace in knitting prayer shawls,
- planning congregational learning opportunities beginning in September,
- putting the finishing touches on Dancing with God,
- enjoying my responsibilities with our Duke intern,
- attending to some Board of Ministry matters,
- enjoying some time with grandchildren and
- having a little renewing time at the beach.
Thank God for July.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Fourth of July

In honor of the day, I once again read some of American Gospel by Jon Meacham. It is one of a number of very interesting books that have been written in recent years about those who are known as the heroes of the American Revolution. The incredible stories of these Founding Fathers have given me a greater appreciation of their commitment to and understanding of human rights. Meacham reminds us that “faith and freedom were inextricably linked from the beginning.” Belief in God was central to the making of this nation, yet faith was a matter of choice. The issues that surround this basic tenet have almost continuously been a source of debate and sometimes misinterpretation. It would seem that in this presidential election year, it would be important for us to untangle the web of misconception about church and state by studying our past and learning what it really means to us today.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Three Years
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Computer Brain
“In the quiet spaces opened up by the sustained, undistracted reading of a book, or by any other act of contemplation, for that matter, we make our own associations, draw our own inferences and analogies, foster our own ideas. Deep reading, as Maryanne Wolf argues, is indistinguishable from deep thinking.Personally, I trust that we can find a way to use both deep reading and Google power to shape our thoughts. I will be interested in what others think.
If we lose those quiet spaces…we will sacrifice something important not only in our- selves but in our culture.”