Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Blog Action Day organizers report that over 20,000 persons registered to post blogs about environmental issues and even more persons blogged about these matters. Maybe these voices will effect change in the way we take care of God's creation?

After exploring agararian matters and sustainable living at the Duke Convocation last week, I found these comments about the globalizaiton of hunger from MADRE to be a very good overview of this topic.

"At first, the numbers don't seem to add up. The world produces more food than ever—enough to feed twice the global population. Yet, more people than ever suffer from hunger; and their numbers are rising. Today, 854 million people, most of them women and girls, are chronically hungry, up from 800 million in 1996. Another paradox: the majority of the world's hungry people live in rural areas, where nearly all food is grown. " (more)

I truly believe that these are spiritual conversations that we are to have as we are called to take care of the land. It is part of the covenant relationship we have with God

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The following quote from MADRE sums up how we have been manipulated by Agribusiness and their politician yes men. I appreciate that we have a president who prays, but I pray every day that he will be granted enough wisdom to know what to pray for.

"Trade rules have so distorted agricultural markets that almost anywhere you go, food from the other side of the world costs less than food grown locally. So people in Kenya buy Dutch butter, while those in the Big Apple buy apples from Chile. In the US, the average bite of food travels 1,300 miles from farm to fork. The system is so wasteful that many countries import the very same foods that they export. For example, last year the US exported—and imported—900,000 tons of beef."

This deserves a "Dee-dee-dee".