Friday, October 12, 2007

A New Thought

I try to walk regularly and to use it as a time of prayer and reflection. As I walk, I hear my heart and the world around me and often within this God speaks. Yet, other walkers that I meet along the way seem to be fully attentive to their Bluetooths or iPods. It would appear that this might be an intentional effort to blot out those voices that can be so important to our being. I trust that they find time to listen for God’s voice sometime during the day.

Today, some of the conversation about sustainable living that I heard at Duke Divinity School’s Convocation filled my thoughts as I walked. The comment made by Wes Jackson that we should speak of eco-system and that no part of it is greater than the whole came to my mind. He maintained that in many ways environmentalism is a selfish term because it implies that humanity is at the center and all else surrounds us in a lesser way. As I was thinking about this, I realized that "me" is exactly in the center of the word environmentalist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"me" is exactly in the center of the word environmentalist.

Look again at the word, "environmentalist". When "me" is in the center, the ever needed "mental" comes at the end. Symbolic of how man always alters his environment without stopping to think if he should and before he is wise enough to know how.