Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Our Daily Bread

Ron and I are at Duke Divinity School for Convocation and Pastors’ School. “Our Daily Bread: A Theology and Practice of Sustainable Living” is the focus. Author, Wendell Berry; environmentalist, Wes Jackson; and theologian, Norman Wirzba are leading us into new understanding of our relationship to the earth, each other and God. I hope that I will be able to incorporate this into my life and ministry in the days ahead. But. for now I am enjoying the thought that I have met Wendell Berry, a favorite author and thinker of mine for a number of years. His poem, Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front, reveals much about who he is.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the poem. I would like to read more.

Stephen Taylor said...

A lot to "chew" on in that poem. Thanks for the link, Jean. Appreciate your blog.

Rev. Jean said...

I encourage anyone not familiar with Wendell Berry's writings to savor his poetry (A Timbered Choir, my favorite), essays (What Are People For?) and fiction (Jayber Crow).
