Saturday, June 02, 2007

Rain, Rain!

As Longfellow wrote, “Into each life some rain must fall.” Today, I understand this reality. The earth is parched and the plants are suffering. The dark skies (and the Weather Channel) predict relief. Although I could use this as a metaphor upon which to reflect, sometimes what is literal is more important. Let the rains fall.

This connection and concern for the earth probably had its beginning in seeing my father, a farmer, watch the skies for much needed rain. In recent years, the writings of Wendell Berry have kept me sensitive to stewardship of the Earth and all of God’s creation. Currently, I am reading his book of essays, What Are People For? I think Berry is a prophetic voice and his works need to be read by more people. This rainy day would be a good time to start.


Anonymous said...

Went to site to discover this remarkable tidbit as a disclaimer

"This website is not owned, operated or sanctioned by Mr. Berry,
whose disapproval of computer technology is well-documented"

Rev. Jean said...

In his essay, "Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer", Mr. Berry indicates he works with pen or pencil and paper. His wife types his manuscripts on a 1956 Royal standard typewriter. This essay is part of collection of Wendell Berry essays entitled - WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? Good reading.