Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Great Day of Service

Wearing yellow t-shirts, United Methodists were a visible presence across the City of Florence today (Tuesday). This afternoon members of the Annual Conference could be found participating in a variety of service projects. From yard clean-up and home repair to visitation and letter writing, we became the hands and feet of the Gospel. I was part of a group that visited an adult day care center and am glad that we spent this time reaching out to others. May we do this each day wherever are.

As usual, Annual Conference is a special time for being with those who have been important parts of our lives through the years. I have especially enjoyed seeing friends from Columbia and Lexington and to hear what is happening in their congregations and personal lives. It is a joy to see some of the new members finding their identity within our conference and beginning to shape who we are.

I was pleased that Russell Davis was recognized for his ten years of ministry with our camps and retreats. He has assumed a camping ministry position in North Georgia. I will miss working with him. As a strong advocate of Asbury Hills, I hope that the Conference heard his gentle words about the opportunity we have been given to touch lives with Jesus through our camping ministries and beautiful properties. We need to take care of these gifts.

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