Monday, June 04, 2007

Annual Conferenc 2007

With the theme- “To Serve the Present Age”- the 2007 South Carolina Annual Conference is meeting in Florence this week. Bishop Taylor continues to lead us into new and different ways of doing things beginning with the site of this event. We are at the Florence Civic Center instead of Wofford or Claflin campus. All seems to be going well with this location to this point. Of course, some of us love the idea that it is only an hour and a half from home.

Another break with tradition was that the ordination service was on Sunday evening. This includes the licensing of local pastors, commissioning of probationary elders and deacons, and the ordinations of full elders and full deacons. I was especially pleased to see my friend, George, licensed as a local pastor. He will serve Poplar UMC. It is hard to believe that I was ordained a deacon ten years ago.

Today we began electing delegates to 2008 General Conference. The lay members have already elected their first delegate, Carolyn Briscoe. As this process unfolds, it is interesting to see which names come to the forefront. Right now most leaders among the clergy are middle-aged white male elders. I hope we represent ourselves in a more inclusive way.

It is almost impossible to reflect on tonight’s worship with an open mind as First UMC was responsible for it. Ken preached a dynamic sermon and Tim assembled an amazing choir from the area and led them in music that celebrated the 300th anniversary of Charles Wesley’s birth. Both Scarlett and I were liturgists. We believe that we offered a meaningful worship experience and it certainly warmed our hearts. It will be an important part of our personal memories for a long time. Thank you, Bishop, for inviting us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Open minds don't mind opening on occasions like last night. I was there with the choir, and if I am able to decipher all that happened properly, I believe that I am about to come up with the notion that last night's "representing" by The Grand Strand was the most pure fun that I have ever had.
Hallelujah! "Have Mercy!"