Monday, June 25, 2007

Bottled Water

Issues that challenge our society often create personal conflict in interesting ways. The case in point for me involves drinking water. In recent years I have put aside my Diet Cokes in favor of water. For good health I have also tried to increase my water intake and this means that I buy lots of water in plastic bottles. ( I just can’t enjoy water from a drinking fountain as I am convinced too many germs live there.) However, Ron and our son, Robert, understand the environmental issues that surround this popular habit and join a growing movement to curb this practice. I am slowly beginning to realize that I need to change my ways. I will now try to recycle my bottles with tap water. I think a good Thermos bottle may be in my future.

Check out Ron and Robert’s blog posts.

1 comment:

Robert Osborne said...

Here is a great article about bottled water,
