Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Season of Lent

How did we get from Advent to Lent so quickly? Maybe, this sense of disbelief is related to the reality that I do not want to deal with the personal introspection that validates the season of Lent in my life?

Will Willimon's current blog includes thought's from Barbara Brown Taylor, an outstanding preacher and writer. I am going to try to reflect on this throughout the day and use it as a doorway to this season of wrestling with my faith.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Willimon. Barbar Brown Taylor writes so carefully and beautifully; with a few words she delivers us to the foot of the cross.

Lent hurts. I guess it's supposed to, in the same way a field must be prepared for growth, so must my heart be turned over and the weeds and dried up stuff torn away.

Anonymous said...

Last month, I attended a training event at Epworth by the Sea on St. Simon's Island. To my great good fortune, Barbara Brown Taylor was there as the guest speaker for another event. Even though it was sold out, I was able to get in for standing room only on the last night. Once again I was awed by her remarkable gift for preaching. She is truly gifted in her use of imagery, and she is so honest and forthright. Though she doesn't know it, she is one of my mentors. I have boundless respect for her deep, deep commitment to our Lord, and her extraordinary capability to express and convey her love for the Gospel. Her witness is profound.