Sunday, February 04, 2007

40th Anniversary

It is hard to believe that on a snowy, gray day forty years ago, Ron and I were married in my home church in Jeffersonville, Ohio. This began a journey of back roads and freeways, pot holes and detours, traffic jams and open roads. Yet, it is amazing how easy it is to travel when we know love. A card we received said, “Love is not a destination, it’s a journey.” So it has been for us. The love for one another surrounded by the love and grace of God has brought us to this point.

How did we celebrate? On Friday and Saturday, we visited our son and family in Clemson and celebrated the birthdays of two of our grandchildren. Today, we worshipped with our other son and his family in Columbia. With great joy, I participated in the baptism of Ethan at Union UMC with the Rev. Dr. Patricia Mayfield. (A sidebar to this story is that Patricia did education field experience with me at Shandon UMC.) To know that Ethan’s parents have made a commitment to nurture him in the faith of God known through Jesus Christ marks this day in a special way.


Anonymous said...

Happy AnniBaptism! Tom

Anonymous said...

I am not as creative as Tom, but I do certainly wish you and Ron a very Happy 40th Anniversary. Somehow, you two make it look easy! Also, I must comment on how proud and happy you were in the picture following the baptism. I have just learned I am to be a grandfather for the fourth time, and I fervently hope that, if I am successfully licensed as a local pastor, I likewise may be blessed to participate in her/his baptism.