Saturday, October 28, 2006

Willimon Returns

I am glad to learn that Will Willimon is blogging again. The Pecular Prophet is almost always thought provoking. The current post re: maintenance or mission certainly is timely as we proceed with our effort to plan for the future. How can we move beyond maintence to mission?


Anonymous said...

5. The pastor in the maintenance congregation says to the newcomer, "I'd like to introduce you to some of our members." In the mission congregation the members say, "We'd like to introduce you to our pastor."
This point #5 from Willimon needs clarification. Any pointers?

Rev. Jean said...

My understanding is that folks in a missional church will invite newcomers and welcome them in the pews. In other words, members meet newcomers first and thus introduce them to the pastor. This certainly is a good scenario for an outreaching church.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jean, thanks for letting us know about this blog. You know I consider Willimon to be among the brightest of the bright and a powerful voice for transforming the church as we know it. He has the mind of a theologian and the courage of a revivalist. I become reenergized and excited about the future of the church when people like Willimon are selected for the episcopacy and use that position to truly lead.

Anonymous said...

I think W.'s points should be required reading for the Vision Quest Team. And at some point, we must ask what kind of church God wants us to be.