Monday, October 02, 2006

Underage Drinking

This article about underage drinking in THE STATE caught my attention as this topic is being discussed among our parents. One of their main concerns is that parents are present at parties and supply the alcohol. Of course, there are a whole host of other issues related to this matter, also. Parents of teens are invited to participate in the next Parent Round Table on November 1 at the Brittain Center on the North Campus. As part of our Wednesday Night Fellowship, parents are invited to discuss how they can influence other parents to be part of the solution and not the problem. We'll also talk about how parents can help their youth to understand the ramifications of underage drinking.

However, I am concerned that there will be few voices heard in this discussion. How can we change the culture of our youth unless we are willing to step forth and try? We owe our youth our time and energy to create a safer, healthier community. How can we as a church encourage this to happen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should be the work of our entire congregation that we tackle this issue at First Church before we lose one of our own precious teens to drinking and driving. I hope it will not take such a horrible loss for this issue to become an important one. Thank you and Jim for causing us to be proactive where our youth are concerned!