Saturday, October 21, 2006

SMC Board Meeting

On Thursday I made my Fall pilgrimage to Spartanburg Methodist College for a Board of Trustees meeting. Although it was a foggy, gray day, our gathering was filled with lots of clear and bright reports. The Fall enrollment is 779 compared to 716 in 2005 and the average high school grade point average was 3.09 and the drop out rate continues to decline significantly. New construction on campus is a sign of a growth and well-being. Administration and faculty are focusing on the reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. What an interesting process! We learned that the basis for assessment is SLOs – Student Learning Outcomes not just grades. The six SLOs that SMC have identified to date include: written communication, oral communication, research, critical thinking, quantitative skills and computer information technology. The definition of each is part of the assessment.

I am always interested in the report of Dr. Hartzog, Dean of Students. For the past few years, “helicopter” parents have added a new dimension to his work. Parents are very reluctant to let their youth transition into young adults without their close scrutiny. Roommate anxiety has also demanded a lot of attention. Many students have never shared rooms with another person. He also reported that they are dealing with a higher number of psychological/mental health issues.

The role and viability of a two year institution continues to be discussed. However, SMC currently seems to fulfill its mission to its students. I am proud that the UMC continues to support this college.

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