Tuesday, October 24, 2006

More Than Joy!

Yesterday, I heard someone speak about the joy that Jesus has brought into his life. After listening to him for awhile, I realized that he knows the “feel good” Jesus. I am glad that he knows Jesus, but there is so much more. I think Jesus came not to make me feel good, but to make me different. And, for that to happen there are often moments of turmoil and agony as I attempt to live a faithful life. If I miss the challenges that Jesus presents to me again and again, I think I distort the Gospel. In the words of the hymnist, "O give me grace to follow, my Master and my friend."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me, a faith that does not challenge me is an illusion, pretty clous that float by and make no real differenece. Real faith is walking with Jesus into places and situations I would avoid, facing truths I would rather ignore and submitting my will to God's. If one needs a test to see if one's Jesus is of the feel good variety, just answer the question: Does Jesus always seem to think what I want is the right thing?