Thursday, April 13, 2006

Maundy Thursday

Remembering a night of sorrow, we sense the Holy as we worship on this saddest day of the church year. Following the Last Supper, the agony of the garden and the truncated court proceedings send most of Jesus friends away. They forget that they were chosen to follow him and Peter denies him. They are facing the end of hope. Their lives will be forever changed. Yet, later they will remember that he loved them and he went willingly to the cross because of this love. They will share this remembrance with others. Because they remembered, tonight we share in the Lord’s Supper. We remember the meaning of the words and acts of our Lord. However, we will leave in darkness as the service ends. The light gone. This is a darkness not without hope. It is a darkness that invites solitude, prayer and repentance. We go into the night preparing to walk to the cross.

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